Links for Learning 

The world of bees is vast with information. bee keepers have to stay in the know on everything from legislation in agricultural support, to products and methods for better bee keeping. Below are links that anyone interested in learning more about bee keeping and apiary support should look into 

Minnesota Bee Keeping 

Minnesota is one of most supportive and innovative states on honey bee support and education. The University of Minnesota's Bee Lab with Dr. Marla Spivak at the helm, they are making strides in bee research that are unparalleled anywhere else in the United States.

Watch Dr. Marla Spivak's Ted Talk HERE 

University of Minnesota Bee Lab

Minnesota Honey Producers Association


Top Bar Hive comb.jpg

In early April the bees return from California, with snow still on the ground, it seems like nothing is blooming, and just like that bees show up with pollen and reassures us that Minnesota will see spring!

In early April the bees return from California, with snow still on the ground, it seems like nothing is blooming, and just like that bees show up with pollen and reassures us that Minnesota will see spring!

When it seems as though you have saturated yourself with information, there is something new to learn and adopt in to practices. Bee keeping is a growing and evolving industry, it's important for bee keepers to stay informed, current and connected.

When it seems as though you have saturated yourself with information, there is something new to learn and adopt in to practices. Bee keeping is a growing and evolving industry, it's important for bee keepers to stay informed, current and connected.

There are over 1.3 million acres of almonds growing in California, and to produce the actual almonds these trees need to be pollinated by bees. Read more about this partnership between almond growers and bee keepers at the Almond Board of California…

There are over 1.3 million acres of almonds growing in California, and to produce the actual almonds these trees need to be pollinated by bees. Read more about this partnership between almond growers and bee keepers at the Almond Board of California’s website.

California Almond Information

Almond Board of California
